A New Mindset For A New Year
There’s something fresh and exciting about a New Year! I’ve observed 76 of these fresh New Year experiences in my lifetime, and I’m proud to say they have all started with a feeling of newness and optimism. I’m sure that most everyone feels this, in their own way, but to me, a New Year is like a morning surprise of fresh fallen snow.
When I was a young boy growing up in South Carolina, snow was a rare occasion. So, I started to appreciate how a new snow looked in the early morning before anyone had a chance to make a footprint. I could hardly wait to get my clothes and boots on so I could be the first to make my footprints in the snow. Everywhere I stepped was a new step no matter how far I walked. That memory is still so fresh in my mind that I now apply that thought to each and every New Year. A New Year is like a blank canvas with no marks from an artist’s brush. The New Year is my blank canvas to paint a continuing masterpiece of my life, a new fallen snow with no footprints.
What I’ve just shared with you is a visualization of my mindset about the New Year, a mindset of excitement, optimism and abundance. I have 365 days to paint a personal masterpiece of the year 2024. I think for most people the newness of the New Year wears off by the end of February. I try to keep the mindset of my New Year masterpiece going throughout the year.
I work to create a mental picture of what my New Year masterpiece looks like. I create the feelings that should accompany a masterpiece such as this. It really doesn’t matter if my new year optimism is supported by circumstances, because I choose not to be victimized by the external circumstances around me. I know that this masterpiece belongs to me, and it need not be approved, accepted or supported by anyone else. It’s my fresh new look at the New Year.
I shared that personal story with you to make a point. All creation within our physical reality begins with our thoughts. Thoughts generate the creations of our mindsets. Luck is a word that we sometimes use to excuse our bad choices or explain our good fortune. Only a person who feels directed by the external circumstances of their life can believe in luck. The truth is we create our future reality with our own thoughts and feelings.
Beginning each New Year with a mindset of optimism and excitement is essential in determining what you will create during the New Year. If you expect things to stay the same until something external of you changes, you may have chosen to be victimized by the externals of your life. You may want to consider a new mindset for this New Year. The first change to consider in creating a new mindset is the pictures in your mind, and the feelings that support those pictures.
So, when I talk about a new mindset for a New Year, I’m talking about changing your thoughts and feelings to match that which you intend to create. Albert Einstein said in his later years (my paraphrase) “When the energy of your thoughts (mindset, thoughts and visualizations) match the energy of your future desires, it must become manifest in physical reality. This is not theory; this is science.”
Happy New Year and may God bless!
David Byrd